suga's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「F-15J」 「AAM」 F-15J 8921 201sq RTB land... 5 6 F-15J 8921 201sq RTB 2011.10 4 6 F-15J 8921 203sq scramble... 4 4 F-15J 8911 203sq 2006.05 (1) 3 20 F-15J 8911 203sq 2006.05 (2) 6 51 F-15J 8901 203sq Scramble... 5 14 F-15J 8888 Scramble takeo... 4 42 F-15J 8830 203sq Scramble... 7 1 21 Showing all 8